๐Ÿ‚ The Mighty Mithun of Arunachal

Arunachal Pradesh, the name conjures up images of rustic bamboo homes embellished with the horns of the Herculean Mithun. The divination of oxen has long been an inherent component of creation stories, folklore, and rituals of different religions practiced in the state.

This bovine animal plays a prominent role in the religious, social & cultural practices of more than 10 tribal communities & while this sanctity may derive from its economic value, it is also an intricate part of the clan & kinship systems, and a marker of wealth commanding the highest value in the barter system. It is an essential part of festivals and dispute settlements ย & is sacrificed in ceremonies as an offering to the forests' deities.

The animal is revered and prayed for healthy harvest & livestock, and to seek protection from disastrous catastrophes like epidemics, floods, famines, and diseases. Traditionally, the ownership of Mithun is considered a sign of abundance & prosperity reflecting the social station one holds in the society. Mithun is believed to guard and ensure peace among tribes and is said to be the harbinger of communal harmony with the Adi tribe observing the Solung festival annually to commemorate the birth and arrival of the cattle of the mountain on earth.

Early c.19th engraving of Gayal cattle by James Hope Stewart (1789 - 1856)

If youโ€™re an animal lover and would like to explore the customs and practices that engendered the veneration of animals in India, drop by a bookstore to grab a copy of Sacred animals of India by Nanditha Krishna. This book in the authorโ€™s own words examines the traditions that gave animals in India protection and is a reminder of the role of animal species in the earthโ€™s biodiversity.